суббота, 15 августа 2009 г.

8 principles

from http://www.armybarmy.com/2009_08_01_archive.html#1636642161896547876

Major Alan Harley gives eight principles for Salvationists.
The first four come from the reformation (16thC):
Salvation is provided by grace alone;
Salvation is received by faith alone;
Salvation is experienced in Christ alone;
Salvation is taught in Scripture alone.
And in these four we agree with our evangelical comrades of various stripes.
Those are points of unity.
The other four emerge from the 18thC and Wesley:
All people need to be saved;
All people can be saved;
All people saved can know they are saved;
All people who are saved can go on to Christian holiness.
These last four do distinguish us from other evangelicals.
But they remain truths to savour and spread.

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