понедельник, 24 августа 2009 г.

from today's ArmyBarmy blog

dedicated to the glory of God and the Salvation of the world.
Monday, August 24, 2009
August 24, 2009.Greetings in Jesus' name, friends.He is risen!How's your soul?----Welcome, international readers. Here is a great verse from Jesus (Luke 6:38) that teaches us about generosity and how we cna relate with other people. Try it out: اعطوا تعطوا. كيلا جيدا ملبدا مهزوزا فائضا يعطون في احضانكم. لانه بنفس الكيل الذي به تكيلون يكال لكم.「与えなさい,そうすれば与えられるだろう。押し入れ,揺すり入れ,あふれ出るほどに良いはかりで,あなた方に字義,あなた方の懐に。与えられるだろう。あなた方が量るその同じはかりで,あなた方に量り返されるだろう」。你 們 要 給 人 , 就 必 有 給 你 們 的 , 並 且 用 十 足 的 升 斗 , 連 搖 帶 按 , 上 尖 下 流 的 倒 在 你 們 懷 裡 ; 因 為 你 們 用 甚 麼 量 器 量 給 人 , 也 必 用 甚 麼 量 器 量 給 你 們 。давайте, и дастся вам: мерою доброю, утрясенною, нагнетенною и переполненною отсыплют вам в лоно ваше; ибо, какою мерою мерите, такою же отмерится и вам.Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38 ----The kingdom of God is at hand.----Luke 6:38 is also the week's memory verse. One of the keys in memorising verses is 'review, review, review'. It might not be too hard to remember one verse but if you have been doing it all year long it might be difficult to remember the verse from the second week of February (for example). It is good to review them a lot. Keep the word hidden in your heart - it helps keep you from sinning (so says a verse many of you have memorised).----Holy. now.----Here's the latest from Major David Laeger:THE HEALER“For I am the LORD who heals you.” (Exodus 15:26 NKJV) Standing on the other side of a sea, over one million refugees stood quietly, exhausted from their escape from terror. Safely away from former masters, they rest for a moment while hearing their leader sing with his rich, powerful voice, “I will sing to the LORD, for He has triumphed gloriously!” After several verses He ends with praise by looking toward the rule of God over his people: “The LORD shall reign forever and ever.” In their new freedom, the refugees learn that freedom carries with it certain disciplines.Some of them are bitter to learn. The refugees set foot across desert land and soon encountered water – bitter water, and they complained about the discomfort of freedom. Then the leader of the refugees threw a tree into the water and the tree made the bitter discipline sweet. “Marah” was the name given to the bitter water before it became sweet.Such is the Cross of Jesus to us – bitter things become sweet when the Cross of Jesus is, as it were, thrown into the circumstance. Through that trust, the comforting words of God rise in the heart of the refugee, a stranger now in a new land – a new circumstance:“For I am the LORD who heals you.”And the troubled waters become sweet. What is your bitterness today?Nothing equals the bitterness taken for usby Christ Jesus.And through His Cross, He took away the bitternessof all bitterness – yet through His Cross… What are your drinking in today that sours thetaste of life? It is a test for you in which to findHis sweetness.----Are the roots of bitterness gone? (Brengle)----Remember the poor.----Go for souls and go for the worst. (today is a great time to do it)----God is here.God help us all be humble.

God bless the Finland and Estonia Territory.

Much grace,secposted by Stephen Court
Posted by: armybarmy / 5:49 AM

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